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Postverbal-only focus as evidence for biclausal structure in Hungarian
E-mail: szecsenyi.krisztina@btk.elte.hu
ELTE Hungary
6_2018_19.3_481_Szecsenyi_Postverbal_only_focus_as_evidence_for_biclausal_structure_in_Hungarian_FINAL.pdf [ 0.44 MB - English]
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Abstract: In Hungarian, focused constituents appear in a preverbal position. Postverbal focus is possible, but only in multiple focus constructions, in the presence of a preverbal focus. The present paper discusses constructions with only postverbal focus and argues that what seem to be monoclausal patterns are biclausal underlyingly, where the postverbal focus is actually in the preverbal position in a non-finite clause. The biclausal analysis is supported by the obligatory modal interpretation of such sentences. The embedded verb is claimed to undergo movement to the matrix clause to support a bound zero modal with the postverbal position reflecting the scope properties of the sentence. This analysis makes it possible to account for other constructions with covert modal meanings in a more principled manner as well.
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