General information

Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek
Lorenza Jägera 9, 31000 Osijek
First year of publication: 1998.
Frequency (annually): 2 (starting from 2021)
ISSN: 1331-7202
e-ISSN: 1848-9001
UDC: 811.163.42(05)

Web of Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus - SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Central and Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Hrčak, International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR), IBZ Online, Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts (LLBA), Linguistic Bibliography- BrillOnline Bibliographies, MLA International Bibliography.

This content is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence


1. Mission and scope

As one of the leading Croatian linguistic journals, Jezikoslovlje aims to promote the constructive interaction between theoretical and descriptive findings by providing a broadly conceived forum for research in the traditional disciplines of linguistics, ranging from phonology and morphology to syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, as well as for research from neighboring disciplines deemed to be of interest to the linguistic audience and of relevance for contemporary linguistic theory, methodology and description. Supported by an internationally renowned board of consulting editors, the journal will hold up for discussion theoretical and descriptive issues relevant to the linguistic community at large and thus aim at reflecting current trends in linguistic research in the above disciplines within a broad range of theoretical frameworks. Jezikoslovlje also features special, guest-edited issues or sections, which bring together contributions under a unifying theme and give the readership the unique opportunity to explore one topic from diverse perspectives.

2. Languages of contributions and working language

Jezikoslovlje receives submissions prepared in Croatian and English. The working languages of the journal are Croatian and English.

3. Types of contributions

Jezikoslovlje publishes seven types of contributions (the maximum length is all inclusive: abstract, summary, text, footnotes, tables, figures, references, and any special matter like appendices, etc., must all fall within the word limit).

1. Original full-length articles (between 3,000 and 10,000 words)

should suggest a solution to the problems they address. There should be a clear connection between the theoretical background, hypotheses, research questions, methodology, analyses, discussion, and conclusions. The goals, hypotheses, and research questions must be clearly articulated and the discussion must tie back to them. The methodology must be appropriate to the proposed hypotheses and research questions, and must be clearly explained.

2. State-of-the-art articles (between 3,000 and 10,000 words)

summarize the current body of knowledge and understanding on a particular topic. By analysing and discussing previous scholarship, authors of review articles should provide an expert assessment of the validity of individual studies, making clear their theoretical relevance.

3. Short notes or squibs (around 2,000 words)

discuss a specific problem or develop a minor theoretical argument. They must make clear the theoretical relevance of the problems raised and propose explanations or solutions to them.

4. Book reviews (max length around 2,500 words)

focus on a particular book or edited volume (rarely more than one book), to cogently summarize its contents, strengths, and weaknesses, all within the maximum space of 2,500 words. Authors of book reviews should assess the bookʼs quality and contribution to the field. A good book review uses an opening paragraph to place the book in the context of relevant scholarship and then proceeds to give a chapter-by-chapter evaluation of the contents. Alternatively, a more holistic structure is possible, where the key issues of the reviewed book provide the main structuring principle for the review.

5. Book notices (between 500 and 1,000 words)

summarize in no more than 1,000 words the contents of a book or edited volume. A book notice should give the reader a shorter summary of the contents of the book so that they can quickly decide whether to purchase it/take a closer look. Writers of book notices should have the following questions in mind: which general topics are addressed by the book? Are any aspects of the book focused on in particular? What is the theoretical and methodological perspective of the book? How is the content organized? While a very brief, general assessment of the overall impact or success of the book may be made, no in-depth criticisms or praise should be offered (general comments may be made on e.g. whether the book is up to date, whether the topic has been adequately treated, the book’s main scientific contribution, its ideal target audience, etc.). For edited volumes, one may also consider the question of coherence in chapter organization and consistency of particular chapters with the editorʼs objectives stated in the foreword.

6. Conference reports (between 500 and 1,000 words)

should mention the following key elements of the event: the theme and goal of the conference, its title, venue, organizers, attendance, the key participants, i.e. plenary and invited speakers, including topics and a few highlights from their talks (it is possible to add some background to remind readers of the authority of plenary speakers to speak on their subjects). A conference report should also mention any other talks of special significance, highlighting their relevance for the theme of the conference and/or the research community concerned.

7. Comments and Replies (between 3,000 and 10,000 words)

question the validity of conclusions in published papers, clarify their implications, and/or point out significant errors, inaccuracies, i.e. any flaws in their content or methodology. It is not acceptable to raise ethical issues in regard to published papers (plagiarism, suspicion of data fabrication), since there are other mechanisms in place to address such concerns. It is also not the place to comment on technical flaws, e.g. oversights in a reference list or errors in the numbering of  examples. The author of the original paper will be invited to write a reply. The replies should add new information (beyond that already published in the original article) in support of arguments and are expected to refute or clarify, or in any other way acknowledge the issues raised in the Comment.

Types of contributions listed under 1–3 are subject to double-blind peer review, while those listed in 4–7 undergo in-house review. 
The journal occasionally features special sections like editor’s notes, in memoriams, and editorials.

4. Publishing ethics

Ethnical standards

Jezikoslovlje is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all stages of publication. It follows best practice guidelines in relation to maintaining the principles of transparency and other ethical standards. The editors, reviewers, and authors are bound by the following responsibilities (based on COPE Code of Conduct core practices and guidelines ):

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

Anonymity, confidentiality, disclosure of information.

The Editorial Board is committed to ensuring author and reviewer anonymity during the whole review process. Authors are required to submit their material completely anonymously and are given instructions on how to avoid announcing their names explicitly on the manuscript, in the list of references, and in the document properties (in Microsoft Word documents: under File/Properties). The Editorial Board takes any additional steps that may become necessary to ensure complete anonymity of submissions undergoing double-blind review or in-house review. The Editorial Board shall also keep any information relating to the material submitted to the journal confidential and shall not, without the express written consent from the author, use or disclose any information from the unpublished materials submitted to Jezikoslovlje.

Detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.

The journalʼs Editorial Board follows best practice guidelines in relation to maintaining the principles of transparency and other ethical standards, and procedures in cases of (allegations) of research misconduct proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All authors are requested to sign the Author Declaration form when submitting their work to Jezikoslovlje, thereby confirming adherence to the fundamental principles of academic research integrity laid down in The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. 

The journalʼs Editorial Board is especially committed to detecting plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct in the works received prior to or during review. All incoming manuscripts are checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software. However, should any violations of research integrity only be discovered after publication, the Editorial Board will take steps to retract any such published articles. Responsibility for cases of plagiarism lies ultimately with the authors, regardless of whether such cases were discovered pre- or post-publication. Detection of any form of misconduct entails a four-year ban on the author’s submission to Jezikoslovlje.

Fair play.

The editorial assessment of all works will be assessed based purely on their intellectual content. The editors will not discriminate or allow any discrimination based on sex,  institutional affiliation, race, religious affiliation, nationality, etc. of the author.

Review procedure and assessment criteria. 

Jezikoslovlje has in place and has made publicly available explicit review procedures and quality assessment criteria for all manuscript types, viz. those subject to double-blind review and those subject to in-house review.

Responsibilities of the Author

Authorship and Contributorship

Authorship is defined as follows:

  • all persons listed as authors must have made a significant contribution to the concept and design, analysis, and writing of the manuscript, including the final draft;
  • all persons listed as authors they take public responsibility for the whole content of the work. 

Contributorship is defined as follows:

  • all persons who have provided substantial technical help, editing assistance, or general support to the work reported in the manuscript but do not meet the criteria for authorship are considered contributors. These persons must be named in the Acknowledgements and must give their written permission to be named.

By signing the Author Declaration form, authors confirm, among others, adherence to these criteria.

Respecting the aims and scope of Jezikoslovlje.

Before submitting their work, authors need to make sure that their work is consistent with Jezikoslovlje’s aims and scope.

Academic research integrity and Author Declaration form.

Authors are expected to have completed their work in compliance with the fundamental principles of academic research integrity, viz. ensuring the quality of research, honesty in developing and communicating research, respect for various research participants and accountability for the research. To minimize the risk of ethical misconduct on the part of authors, all authors are required to submit, together with their manuscript, a completed and duly signed Author Declaration form, regulating ethical issues, especially the issue of authorship, duplicate submissions and plagiarism. Manuscripts submitted without the completed and signed Author Declaration form will not be taken into consideration, subject to no notification.

Acknowledging and addressing reviewers’ recommendations in manuscript revisions.

Authors of manuscripts judged acceptable pending revision are asked to inform the Editorial Board whether they intend to proceed with the suggested revisions of the manuscript or not. In the former case, authors should complete their revisions within the given time-time. As they proceed with their revisions, authors must enter into a separate file titled “Author’s Responses” how they addressed each of the comments of each reviewer and clearly mark (highlight) all changes in the revised text. Authors may exceptionally decide that some requests should not/cannot be accommodated, but any such decisions must be well-reasoned and must be kept to a minimum.

Language quality and stylesheet requirements.

Before submission authors must proofread their manuscripts carefully, and if they are not native speakers of the language of the contribution, they must have their manuscripts checked by a native speaker. Jezikoslovlje will not be able to publish articles that have not been proofread and whose language and style are of insufficient quality. Authors are kindly asked to submit their manuscripts in accordance with Jezikoslovlje’s stylesheet requirements. While failure to observe every last stylesheet requirement at initial submission will not disqualify the work from further consideration, manuscripts that are grossly incompatible (e.g. have not been proofread, have not been anonymized, etc.), will be returned to author for adjustments before being processed further. Any issues that remain will need to be corrected by the author during later revisions of the manuscript. 

Serious errors in published works or in works submitted.

If at any point during or after the review procedure or publication of the article, the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his work submitted to/published in Jezikoslovlje, they must inform the Editorial Board thereof immediately.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers

Professional responsibility.

Jezikoslovlje does not have a formal procedure of appointment to its  reviewer panel, but it does maintain and regularly update a database of reviewers based on their expertise in particular areas and past performance as a reviewer for Jezikoslovlje (timeliness and quality of reviews). A potential reviewer should accept Jezikoslovljeʼs invitation to review only if they feel they have the necessary expertise to assess the manuscript. Jezikoslovlje invites its reviewers to refrain from giving impressionistic, holistic assessments of the work; they should avoid overly general criticisms and comments and provide constructive feedback, detailed and substantiated enough to help editors in making their final decision. We also expect reviewers to be fair, honest, constructive, and completely unbiased in reporting the strengths and weaknesses of a manuscript. 

Confidentiality and disclosure of information.

Reviewers must handle in confidence all information about or contained in the material submitted for review.


Reviewers are expected to respond to an invitation to review within a reasonable time-frame (usually several working days), even if they cannot undertake the review. Reviewers are asked to return evaluations within 2 – 3 months of receipt of the manuscript. However, since review work is unremunerated and dependent upon consultants who have many other professional commitments, the review process may exceptionally take additional time. Prospective reviewers should not agree to review a submission if they have reason to believe they would not be able to complete the review at all or within the specified time-frame. If circumstances change after the reviewer has already agreed to review a contribution, and additional time becomes necessary to complete the report or the reviewer is no longer able to fulfill the agreement, the reviewer must inform the journal thereof promptly. In the event that a reviewer cannot commit to a review, the journal may ask them for helpful suggestions for alternative reviewers.

Suspicion of misconduct.

Jezikoslovlje expects its reviewers to comment on any ethical issues that come to their attention during the review or any suspicion of research and publication misconduct the submission raised (plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.).

Format of review report and assessment criteria.

Jezikoslovlje has a review form with rubrics detailing specific assessment criteria and three possible outcomes for each, viz. unacceptable, acceptable, excellent. Reviewers are also expected to make summary recommendation as to whether to accept, accept pending revision, or reject the manuscript, and mark this recommendation in the appropriate rubric. The form also includes an open rubric where reviewers are required to add additional comments that may help the authors improve their manuscript in the revisions (if the manuscript is found ʻacceptable pending revisionʼ) or help the Editorial Board make the final decision.

Reviewers are strongly encouraged to recommend rejection of a manuscript if the scope of necessary interventions would entail submitting an substantially different manuscript from the original submission.

5. Review process

All incoming manuscripts are first pre-screeened by our editors to determine their thematic fitness and suitability for review. Manuscripts rejected at this stage are insufficiently original, lack a clear focus, goals, hypotheses, and research questions, are seriously flawed in the conception and design, choice of methodology, execution, have poor grammar and style, and/or fall outside the scope of the journal. Eligible original full-length articles, state-of-the-art articles, and short notes are passed on to at least two experts for double-blind review. Each reviewer is asked to provide an objective, reasonably detailed critical assessment of the intellectual content of the manuscript and to refrain from impressionistic generalized assessments. They also provide, on the journal’s official review form,  a recommendation to the editors on whether the manuscript should be accepted, rejected, or accepted pending revision. In cases of conflicting opinions and/or recommendations, a third reviewer may be recruited or Jezikoslovlje’s editors may be invited to weigh in on the matter. The ultimate decision on acceptance/rejection is made by the journal’s editors. Book reviews, book notices, and conference reports undergo in-house, editorial review to assess their fitness for the journal and their content and style. Jezikoslovlje’s editors make their decisions with no bias or discrimination based on the sex, institutional affiliatiion, race, religious affiliation, nationality, etc. of the author.

6. Open access

Jezikoslovlje provides immediate open access to its content without charge to the users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. 

Articles published in Jezikoslovlje are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

7. No Author Fees

The journal does not charge any manuscript submission fees or article processing/publishing charges.

Article Processing Charges (APCs): No.

Submission Charges: No.

8. Copyright notice

Authors retain copyright for articles published in this journal and grant Jezikoslovlje right of first publication (this applies equally to print and electronic issues). By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use for educational and other non-commercial purposes, with proper attribution. For instance, authors may post them to institutional repositories, on their websites, or publish them in a book, with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal and providing a link to the journal’s webpages and HRČAK.

9. Indexing/abstracting

Jezikoslovlje is indexed in the following databases: 

Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus - SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Central and Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Hrčak, International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR), IBZ Online, Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts (LLBA), Linguistic Bibliography- BrillOnline Bibliographies, MLA International Bibliography.

10. Digital archiving

11. Management and Subscriptions

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Osijek University 
Lorenza Jägera 9, 31000 Osijek
Subscription price is HRK 100, i.e. EUR 20 per volume for subscribers abroad (as of 2021, two issues a year), including postage (IBAN: HR8423600001102484368, Zagrebačka banka d.d.). For orders contact Vladimir Poličić at Exchange schemes can be arranged between the publisher and other institutions publishing equivalent periodicals.