Original scientific article
Page 373 - 393

Effects of Habsburg educational policies measured by census statistics

Pieter H. van der Plank
E-mail: p.van.der.plank@freeler.nl
University of Amsterdam
Abstract: This paper is dedicated to the multi-ethnic and multi-lingual Habsburg realm, in particular as regards school education, its effects and the census registration of linguistic qualities among its popul...

Original scientific article
Page 679 - 696

Teacher’s perceptions of multilingual education and teaching in a multilingual classroom - the case of the Republic of Macedonia

Brikena Xhaferi
E-mail: b.xhaferi@seeu.edu.mk
South East European University Tetovo

Gëzim Xhaferi
South East European University Tetovo
Abstract: Macedonia is a multilingual, multiethnic, and multicultural country where the language teach-ers face challenges in their classrooms. South East European University (SEEU) is located in Tetovo, Macedo...

State-of-the-art article
Page 667 - 682

Što se to(čno) skriva iza koncepata transkomunikacije i transkomunikacijskog nastavnog pristupa?

Rea Lujić
E-mail: rlujic@unizd.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5931-3867
Sveučilište u Zadru
Abstract: Ovim se radom ukratko predstavlja translanguaging, posljednjih šest godina sve popularniji koncept na području višejezičnosti i višejezičnoga obrazovanja. Obzirom na njegovu dvostruku prirodu, socioli...

Original scientific article
Page 601 - 623

The analysis of the education strategy of the National Council of the Hungarian Ethnic Minor-ity (MNT) in Vojvodina

Csaba Máté Sarnyai
E-mail: sarnyaim@rel.u-szeged.hu
Karoli Gaspar University of Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest

Tibor Pap
University of Pécs
Abstract: Our present work is part of a longer research project on the political aspects of the Hungarian minority’s institutional system in Vojvodina, Serbia. In this paper, we consider the educa-tional concep...

Original scientific article
Page 299 - 325

Language policies in Croatia in a diachronic perspective

Lelija Sočanac
E-mail: lelijasocanac@yahoo.com
University of Zagreb
Abstract: This paper will present the preliminary results of research that is being carried out within the framework of the project “Legal and Linguistic Aspects of Multilingualism”. The aim of the research is ...