Original scientific article
Page 159 - 170

Noun/pronoun asymmetries: Evidence in support of the DP hypothesis in Polish

Paweł Rutkowski
E-mail: rutkowski@zigzag.pl
Warsaw University & Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the syntax of Polish nominal expressions in terms of what is known as the DP hypothesis (the idea that was discussed in Abney 1987). The fact that articles occupy t...

Original scientific article
Page 79 - 104

Contrasting a phenomenon at the syntax-discourse interface: Subject-verb inversion in English and in Macedonian

Liljana Mitkovska
E-mail: liljana55@yahoo.com
AUE-FON Univesrity, Skopje

Eleni Bužarovska
University of Ss Cyril and Methodius, Skopje
Abstract: This paper discusses the results of a contrastive analysis of subject-verb inversion (SVI) in English and Macedonian, a South Slavic language. We look at sentences, typically encoding thetic statement...