Original scientific article
Page 227 - 252

Pogrješke ili promjene – ovladanost odabranim hrvatskim morfosintaktičkim sadržajima učenika završnoga razreda osnovne škole

Zrinka Jelaska
E-mail: zjelaska@ffzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6189-2485
Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Vesna Bjedov
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6189-2485
University of Zagreb
Abstract: Govornici hrvatskoga jezika razlikuju se u proizvodnji pojedinih riječi ili gramatičkih kategorija u svojemu idiomu u odnosu na hrvatski standardni jezik. U ovomu će se radu istražiti kako učenici na ...

Original scientific article
Page 383 - 421

The EK construction in Xhosa: A cognitive account

Alexander Andrason
E-mail: andrason@sun.ac.za
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8507-9824
Stellenbosch University

Mawande Dlali
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8507-9824
Stellenbosch University
Abstract: Developed within the frame of cognitive linguistics, this paper argues that the entire syntactic and semantic profile of the EK gram can be unified and viewed as coherent by modeling it as a map of di...

Original scientific article
Page 211 - 225

Second argument realization with verbal nouns in Macedonian: an example of grammatical variability

Liljana Mitkovska
E-mail: liljana.mitkovska@fon.edu.mk
FON University Skopje
Abstract: This paper discusses the variability of realization of the direct argument of nominalized predications in Macedonian constructions. As it is common in other languages, the possessive na-construction i...

Original scientific article
Page 159 - 180

Pleonastic negation from a cross-linguistic perspective

Irena Zovko Dinković
E-mail: izovko@ffzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5576-2489
Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Gašper Ilc
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5576-2489
Sveučilište u Ljubljani
Abstract: In recent linguistic theory, pleonastic negation is treated either as an instance of a lexically present but semantically vacuous negation, often placed in relation to negative polarity (e.g. Portner ...

Original scientific article
Page 295 - 319

Positions for oblique case-marked arguments in Hungarian noun phrases

Judit Farkas
E-mail: juttasusi@gmail.com
Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Gábor Alberti
University of Pécs
Abstract: We argue that there are four positions open to oblique case-marked arguments within the Hungarian noun phrase structure, of which certain ones have never been mentioned in the literature while even th...

Original scientific article
Page 269 - 282

Are Hungarian fake objects really fake?

Annamária Bene
E-mail: bene.a@eunet.rs
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9726-5261
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Abstract: The aim of this article was to investigate the syntactic properties of Hungarian nonsubcategorized accusative Case-assigned NP, i.e. a constituent commonly known in current international linguistics a...

Original scientific article
Page 101 - 123

Genitive of negation in the Croatian language

Diana Stolac
E-mail: diana.stolac@ri.t-com.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3014-8386
Sveučilište u Rijeci
Abstract: A direct object in Croatian is an object in the accusative case or an object in the genitive case which is interchangeable with the accusative. There are two types of direct object in the genitive cas...