Original scientific article
Page 219 - 260

A cognitive analysis of the Bulgarian prepositions and verbal prefixes NAD and POD

Ivelina Tchizmarova
E-mail: itchizmarova@sfu.ca
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
Abstract: This paper analyzes the Bulgarian prepositions and verbal prefixes NAD and POD from a cogni-tive linguistic perspective. Their prototypical senses are presented as a trajector (TR) situated above or b...

Original scientific article
Page 107 - 150

The preposition and prefix nad in South Slavic languages with emphasis on Macedonian

Liljana Mitkovska
E-mail: liljana.mitkovska@fon.edu.mk
FON University, Skopje

Eleni Bužarovska
bSs. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
Abstract: This paper examines the senses of the preposition and prefix nad in Macedonian and the rela-tion to its equivalents in other South Slavic languages: Croatian, Serbian, and Bulgarian. The main goal of ...