Vol. 19. No. 3 (12.2018)

Page 337 - 339


Franc Lanko Marušič
University of Nova Gorica

Jana Willer-Gold
University College London

Original scientific article
Page 341 - 363

Unmerging analytic comparatives

Karen De Clercq
FWO-Ghent University

Guido Vanden Wyngaerd
KU Leuven
Abstract: We look at the internal structure of the English analytic comparative marker more, arguing that it spells out nearly all the features of a gradable adjective. When this marker is merged with an adject...

Original scientific article
Page 365 - 391

Similar intentions with different underlying wishes: Intensional profiles of imperatives in Hungarian

Judit Kleiber
University of Pécs, Hungary
Abstract: The paper investigates imperative sentence types in Hungarian focusing on the pragmasemantic contribution of discourse markers. It follows Lauer (2013) in assuming that – though illocutionary force va...

Original scientific article
Page 393 - 425

Possessive pronouns as oblique DPs: Linkers and affix stacking

M.Rita Manzini
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Abstract: In many familiar European languages, e.g. German or Italian, possessive pronouns agree in φ-features with their head noun. We argue that they are genitive pronouns, endowed with an extra φ-features se...

Original scientific article
Page 427 - 455

Object marking in Swahili is topic agreement

Johannes Mursell
Goethe University Frankfurt
Abstract: This paper discusses object marking in Swahili, a Bantu language. After presenting the contexts in which object marking is optional and obligatory, respectively, it is shown that it is the information...

Original scientific article
Page 457 - 480

Feature conflicts, feature resolution, and the structure of either…or

Peter W. Smith
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Beata Moskal
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Katharina Hartmann
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Zheng Shen
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the asymmetry in agreement between conjunction and disjunction, and consider possible reasons for the lack of resolved agreement in disjunctions as compared to conjunctions. ...

Original scientific article
Page 481 - 508

Postverbal-only focus as evidence for biclausal structure in Hungarian

Krisztina Szécsényi
ELTE Hungary
Abstract: In Hungarian, focused constituents appear in a preverbal position. Postverbal focus is possible, but only in multiple focus constructions, in the presence of a preverbal focus. The present paper discu...

Original scientific article
Page 509 - 532

Semantic restrictions on modal auxiliary combinations: Evidence from Croatian double modal constructions

Ana Werkmann Horvat
University of Oxford
Abstract: Even though single modal auxiliaries have often been the main and only focus of literature on modality, Croatian data shows that modal auxiliaries show interesting restrictions when they occur in laye...