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Modals and modality in translation: a case study based approach
E-mail: bknez@pfri.hr
Sveučilište u Rijeci
University of Rijeka
Jezikoslovlje.12.117.Knezevic_-_Brdar.pdf [ 0.17 MB - English]
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Abstract: This paper reports on findings from a recent study. On the basis of corpora, two
legislative pair texts, cross-linguistic issues around modals and modality in Croatian
and English were investigated. In addressing modality in the two texts, the
study explored the semantic areas that included obligation, and whether or not
something was necessary, desirable, permitted or forbidden. The aim was to capture
the translatability of Croatian deontic modals into English, and to describe a
possible shift in modality that occurred in translation. An account that describes
the similarities and differences in translation of the source text into the target text
is provided.
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