Original scientific article
Page 119 - 144

On the cognitive status of mental spaces and of some types of metonymy within Conceptual Integration Theory

Branimir Belaj
E-mail: branimir.belaj@os.t-com.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2334-9673
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku

Jezikoslovlje_1_.06.2.119.Belaj.pdf [ 0.29 MB - English]
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Abstract: In the light of the automatic nature of the process of conceptual integration we examine the cognitive-conceptual status of the four types of mental spaces and their elements: the input spaces, the generic space and the blend. On the basis of the differences obtaining between the four types of mental spaces we divide them into defocused, highlighted and focal mental spaces. We further discuss the place and manner of intepretation of two basic types of metonymy in the context of blending theory and propose the introduction of a fifth mental space where such metonymies would be interpreted, namely the pre-input spaces in the case of nonmetaphoric counterfactuals, or the pre-target space when metonymy operates within a metaphoric utterance.
basic model of conceptual integration, input spaces, generic space, blend, elements of mental spaces, defocused, highlighted and focal mental spaces, pre-input spaces, pre-target space, metaphor, metonymy,
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