Original scientific article
Page 475 - 494

Izražavanje posvojnih odnosa u pripovjednom diskursu jednojezične djece govornika hrvatskoga i engleskoga jezika

Lidija Šaravanja
E-mail: lidija31431@gmail.com
University of Osijek

Ivana Trtanj
University of Osijek
Abstract: Pripovjedni diskurs kao dio svakodnevne djetetove komunikacije može pružiti mnogo cjelovitiji jezični kontekst od raznih jezičnih testova koji procjenjuju uporabu riječi i rečenica izolirano zato što ...

Original scientific article
Page 65 - 84

Communication technologies and their influence on language: the notion of convention revisited

Milena Žic Fuchs
E-mail: mzicfuch@ffzg.hr
Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Vlatko Broz
University of Zagreb

Nina Tuđman Vuković
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Abstract: On the basis of a summation of topics that have emerged from research of text messaging in Croatian during the last ten years, other major questions and issues have also surfaced. In this paper we foc...

Original scientific article
Page 25 - 51

Passive- and passive-like constructions in the translation of a Croatian legislative text into English

Božana Knežević
E-mail: bknez@pfri.hr
Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka

Irena Brdar
Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka
Abstract: This paper is based on the study of the translation pairs of passive sentences found in two legislative texts, a corpus of 23,140 words. The two texts are used to determine the passive voice frequency...

Original scientific article
Page 21 - 43

Linguistische Analyse literarischer Texte: am Beispiel des Romans “Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge” von Rainer Maria Rilke

Natalja Jourdy
E-mail: natascha.jourdy@laposte.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9195-1220
Collège „Jean Moulin“, Sannois
Abstract: Im Artikel wird eine linguistische Analyse des Texts „Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge“ von R.M. Rilke unternommen. Untersucht werden in erster Linie die Erzählformen- und Techniken, sowie ...

Original scientific article
Page 53 - 85

Failing without trying

J. Lachlan Mackenzie
VU University Amsterdam & ILTEC, Lisboa
Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the over 12,000 occurrences of fail and failure followed by to in the 100m-word British National Corpus. In its lexical use, fail is a negative-implicative verb of ...

Original scientific article
Page 145 - 170

Metaphorical models in EU discourse in the Croatian media

Ljiljana Šarić
E-mail: ljiljana.saric@ilos.uio.no
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4373-9182
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk (ILOS)
Abstract: This paper aims at reconstructing aspects of the current conceptualization and linguistic representation of issues concerning the European Union and its expansion, while exploring the role of metaphor...

Original scientific article
Page 115 - 167

Modelling thought in language use: At the crossroads between discourse, pragmatics, and cognition

Jose Luis Otal Campo
Universitat Jaume I

Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza
University Jaume I
Abstract: This article studies a number of semantic and pragmatic phenomena with consequences for the development of discourse. Thus, our study of the way we make use of cognitive models in discourse allows us ...