Original scientific article
Page 363 - 383
Cracking the colour code: A case study of red
E-mail: drazenka@ffos.hr
Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku
Abstract: For both physiological and psychological reasons the colour red is one of the most salient and semantically productive basic colours for human beings. Due to its stability over time, it has received a...
Original scientific article
E-mail: ilhana.skrgic@bih.net.ba
nezavisni istraživač
Abstract: The canonical representation of death as the Grim Reaper is a well-known trope in art. The main aim of this paper is to analyze this trope as it appears in selected instalments of the Italian comics s...
Original scientific article
E-mail: drazenka.molnar@gmail.com
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku
Abstract: Poslovice su jezične minijature kojima se shematiziraju konkretna iskustva i izriču
životne istine. S obzirom na njihovo porijeklo, za očekivati je da će se poslovice
češće pojavljivati u usmenoj komu...
Original scientific article
Page 141 - 169
Morphosemantic fields in the analysis of Croatian vocabulary
E-mail: ida.raffaelli@ffzg.hr
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
University of Zagreb
Abstract: This paper presents the morphosemantic field model, claiming that it is relevant in
the description of lexical structures in grammatically-motivated languages such as
Croatian. Arguments are presented...
Original scientific article
Page 115 - 167
Modelling thought in language use: At the crossroads between discourse, pragmatics, and cognition
Universitat Jaume I
University Jaume I
Abstract: This article studies a number of semantic and pragmatic phenomena with consequences
for the development of discourse. Thus, our study of the way we make
use of cognitive models in discourse allows us ...
Original scientific article
Page 145 - 170
Metaphorical models in EU discourse in the Croatian media
E-mail: ljiljana.saric@ilos.uio.no
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk (ILOS)
Abstract: This paper aims at reconstructing aspects of the current conceptualization and linguistic
representation of issues concerning the European Union and its expansion,
while exploring the role of metaphor...
Original scientific article
Page 139 - 156
Mappings in conceptual space: Metonymy, metaphor, and iconicity in two signed languages
E-mail: wilcox@unm.edu
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: In this paper we present lexical data documenting the interaction of metonymy,
metaphor, and iconicity in two signed languages, American
Sign Language (ASL) and Catalan Sign Language (LSC). The basis ...