Original scientific article
Page 23 - 60

Discourse analysis and determination in the light of subjectification theory

Piotr Cap
E-mail: strus_pl@yahoo.com
University of of Lódz, Department of Linguistic Pragmatics
Abstract: The present paper bridges considerations characteristic of the domains of linguistic pragmatics, discourse analysis, as well as of cognitive linguistics and social psychology. It is claimed that, in s...

Original scientific article
Page 307 - 321

Magic tricks with race cards: Conceptual integration theory and political discourse

Sanja Berberović
E-mail: sanja.berberovic@untz.ba
Sveučilište u Tuzli
Abstract: The paper examines the use of creative figurative language in American political discourse. In particular, the paper focuses on the use of the expression to play the race card and the creative figurat...

Original scientific article
Page 181 - 195

Pushed to the hedge: Hedging devices in Romanian online media discourse on migration and refugees

Silvia Florea
E-mail: silvia.florea@ulbsibiu.ro
University of Sibiu
Abstract: The current paper analyses the type and frequencies of hedging devices used in Romanian online media discourse on refugees and asylum seekers, drawing on the media content that was published between S...

Original scientific article
Page 583 - 601

Organizacija pripovjednoga diskursa: anafora i kohezija u dječjem pripovijedanju

Ivana Trtanj
E-mail: itrtanj@foozos.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4700-8443
Abstract: U ovom se radu opisuje razvoj dječje pripovjedne sposobnosti i to kroz analizu uporabu anafore u funkciji stvaranja kohezivnoga diskursa. Istraživačka su pitanja usredotočena na to jesu li zamjenice i...

Original scientific article
Page 187 - 209

Down to the bone: A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of pro-eating disorder blogs

Morana Lukač
E-mail: mlukac@unizd.hr
Sveučilište u Zadru
Abstract: The pro-eating-disorder community is almost exclusively an online community of individuals who claim that eating disorders are not an illness, but rather a lifestyle choice. This study offers an insig...

Original scientific article
Page 41 - 57

Hypothesis and deduction in the studies of the discourse of advertising

Piotr Cap
E-mail: strus_pl@yahoo.com
University of Łódź
Abstract: The paper is an attempt to show that a discourse type can in itself be an analytic determinant, i.e. that it can effectively dictate methods of investigating it. This claim is illustrated by a study o...

Original scientific article
Page 51 - 82

Evaluating knighthood through the discourse functions of negation in Le Morte DArthur by Malory

Tatiana Komova
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5378-2729
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Anastasia Sharapkova
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5378-2729
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract: The paper explores medieval knighthood as a complicated matrix of various cultural, historical, and ethical concepts. We hypothesize that we can access the way people conceptualized the chivalric idea...