Original scientific article
Page 47 - 63

Obilježja imenice koja podliježe uklapanju u diskurs

Jana Willer-Gold
E-mail: jwgold@ffzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7664-170X
University of Zagreb
Abstract: Odrednici sadrže informacije vezane za odnos imenice u njihovoj jezičnoj domeni s njezinom vrijednosti u ostvarenom diskursu. Jezici koji otvoreno iskazuju odrednike određeni član rijetko koriste kako...

State-of-the-art article
Page 0 - 0

Anomalous use of definiteness and gender in some types of noun phrases in Bulgarian

Valentin Gešev
E-mail: vgeshev@slav.uni-sofia.bg
Sofia University Sv. Kliment Ohridski
Abstract: The paper considers the anomalous use of definiteness and gender in Bulgarian noun phrases containing hypocoristic names, nicknames or sometimes even legal personal names. Proper names of people, bein...

Original scientific article
Page 41 - 57

Hypothesis and deduction in the studies of the discourse of advertising

Piotr Cap
E-mail: strus_pl@yahoo.com
University of Łódź
Abstract: The paper is an attempt to show that a discourse type can in itself be an analytic determinant, i.e. that it can effectively dictate methods of investigating it. This claim is illustrated by a study o...

Original scientific article
Page 41 - 69

Moving od(-) and do(-) in Croatian. An account of sources, goals and dual readings of the dative

Maja Brala-Vukanović
E-mail: mbrala@ffri.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5708-7624
University of Rijeka

Anita Memišević
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5708-7624
University of Rijeka
Abstract: This paper focuses on the Croatian P-elements od ‘from’ and do ‘up to’, which productively appear as both verbal prefixes (yielding either source- or goal-oriented motion verbs) and prepositions; in m...

State-of-the-art article
Page 435 - 473

Coordination throughout the history of Croatian orthography

Ermina Ramadanović
E-mail: eramadan@ihjj.hr
Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Zagreb

Mihaela Matešić
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Abstract: In contemporary linguistics, subordination and coordination are most commonly used in syntax, with co-ordination referring to independent clauses, and subordination to the dependent ones. In this pape...

Original scientific article
Page 1 - 68

Odnosna rečenica: semantički pristup

Mislav Benić
E-mail: mbenic@ihjj.hr
Institut za hrvatski jezik, Zagreb
Abstract: U radu se nastoji dati maksimalno zadovoljavajuća definicija odnosne rečenice. Ona se temelji na semantičkim kriterijima jer je značenje univerzalnije od forme. Razmatraju se samo finitne konstrukcije...