Original scientific article
Page 337 - 362

Knocking on EU’s door: On the changing and conflicting metaphorical images of Croatia in selected EU press

Ana Werkmann
E-mail: awerk023@uottawa.ca
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0720-2575
Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku

Gabrijela Buljan
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0720-2575
Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to analyze the metaphorical construal of Croatia’s EU accession in the political discourse of selected EU press. We first analyze the metaphorical expressions collected betwe...

Original scientific article
Page 147 - 173

Između diskursa o prostoru i diskursa prostora: mogućnosti lingvo-semiotičke analize devetnaestostoljetnih tekstova o gradnji i dogradnjama Zavoda za umobolne u Stenjevcu

Mislava Bertoša
Abstract: U članku se iz perspektive semiotike prostora analiziraju temeljni dokumenti o osnivanju, ustroju i prostornim preinakama Zavoda za umobolne u Stenjevcu. Oslanjajući se na analitičko-diskursne modele ...

Original scientific article
Page 337 - 359

Engleski koordinacijski veznik both…and u akademskom (sociološkom) diskursu i njegovi hrvatski ekvivalenti

Dubravka Kuna
E-mail: dkuna@ffos.hr
Filozofski fakultet Osijek

Ljiljana Šarić
Sveučilište u Oslu
Abstract: U engleskom su jeziku koordinacijski veznici (both…and,  either…or, neither…nor i dr.) češći u pisanom nego u razgovornom diskursu, a osobito su uobičajeni u pisanom akademskom diskursu kojem osigurav...

Original scientific article
Page 395 - 424

The Otherness and the Consumer: External and internal horror as rhetorical framing devices on the silver screen and in real time

Ilhana Škrgić
E-mail: ilhana.skrgic@bih.net.ba
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3054-9112
Independent researcher
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the main paradigms of the horror genre and their equivalents in the conservative – liberal political division in the United States by exploring the dominant political rhetor...

Original scientific article
Page 371 - 393


Sanja Berberović
E-mail: sanja.berberovic@untz.ba
University of Tuzla

Nihada Delibegović Džanić
University of Tuzla
Abstract: Applying conceptual blending theory, the paper analyses the construction of the meaning of a satirical text ridiculing the language employed by politicians to frame the debate on current political and...

Original scientific article
Page 339 - 372

A note on the career of metaphorical domains: On the role of the XYZ constructions in metaphorical transfer reversal

Mario Brdar
E-mail: mbrdar@ffos.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9582-4285
Filozofski fakultet Osijek

Rita Brdar-Szabó
ELTE Budapest

Tanja Gradečak
Filozofski fakultet Osijek
Abstract: One of most dominant conceptual metaphors used to talk about the COVID-19 across languages and cultures is the WAR metaphor, but many other metaphors have been attested, exploiting a wide range of sou...