Original scientific article
Page 131 - 153

Another look at the syntax of Hungarian verbal particles

Annamária Bene
E-mail: bene.a@euet.rs
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Abstract: The Hungarian verbal particle, this tiny function (grammatical) word causes a lot of headache to linguists to this day. One of the most difficult questions refers to its structural position. The most ...

Original scientific article
Page 281 - 294

The prefix super-: A cognitive linguistic approach

Jasmina Hanić
E-mail: jasmina.hanic@untz.ba
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9181-4223
Sveučilište u Tuzli
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to shed more light on the semantic network of the prefix super- and to prove that what lends systematicity to the semantic structure of prefixes is that they are underlyingly ...

State-of-the-art article
Page 65 - 86

O osobnoj sferi u hrvatskom i njemačkom jeziku

Tomislav Frleta
E-mail: tfrleta@unizd.hr
Sveučilište u Zadru

Anita Pavić Pintarić
Sveučilište u Zadru
Abstract: U radu se na temelju Ballyjevog pristupa raspravlja o pojmu osobna sfera te se pokušava utvrditi koje su odrednice nužne pri njezinom određivanju. Osobna je sfera dio šire pojave u jeziku znane pod na...

Original scientific article
Page 565 - 583

Domains of Hungarian language use in Belgrade

Mónika Balla
E-mail: mo_ni_75@yahoo.com
University of Belgrade

Sandra Buljanović
University of Belgrade

Marija Ilić
2Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
Abstract: This paper attempts at opening a dialogue on multilingualism in the city of Belgrade today. Belgrade, like other Southeast European cities, has developed much differently over the past decades than ot...

Original scientific article
Page 77 - 98

The geometry vs. the algebra of meaning: Gärdenfors vs. Jackendoff

Joško Žanić
E-mail: josko_zanic@yahoo.com
Nezavisni istraživač
Abstract: In this paper Gärdenfors’s geometric approach to meaning in natural language is compared to Jackendoff's algebraic one, and this is done against the backdrop of formal semantics. Ultimately, the paper...

Original scientific article
Page 339 - 372

A note on the career of metaphorical domains: On the role of the XYZ constructions in metaphorical transfer reversal

Mario Brdar
E-mail: mbrdar@ffos.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9582-4285
Filozofski fakultet Osijek

Rita Brdar-Szabó
ELTE Budapest

Tanja Gradečak
Filozofski fakultet Osijek
Abstract: One of most dominant conceptual metaphors used to talk about the COVID-19 across languages and cultures is the WAR metaphor, but many other metaphors have been attested, exploiting a wide range of sou...