Original scientific article
E-mail: natascha.jourdy@laposte.net
Collège „Jean Moulin“, Sannois
Abstract: Im Artikel wird eine linguistische Analyse des Texts „Die Aufzeichnungen des
Malte Laurids Brigge“ von R.M. Rilke unternommen. Untersucht werden in erster
Linie die Erzählformen- und Techniken, sowie ...
Original scientific article
E-mail: branimir.belaj@os.t-com.hr
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Osijek
Abstract: Ovaj se članak bavi analizom procesa jezičnoga posuđivanja i prilagodbe stranih
riječi pravilima koja djeluju unutar sustava hrvatskoga jezika. Sam proces
analizira se na primjerima posuđivanja iz eng...
Original scientific article
E-mail: marta.sarcanin@hotmail.com
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
University of Zagreb
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate L2 speakers’ ability to think strategically about linguistic meaning by asking them to make sense of particle verb (PV) constructions, a particularly demanding...
Original scientific article
Page 305 - 317
Semantics of the verb shall in legal discourse
E-mail: koa1504@mail.ru
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Abstract: The article deals with the modal verb shall in English legal discourse. The analysis of theoretical and factual data shows that shall performs a number of semantic functions in legal texts that violat...
Original scientific article
Page 171 - 192
Das gehört nicht vom Tisch gewischt... Überlegungen zu einem modalen Passiv und dessen Einordnung ins Passiv-Feld
E-mail: szatmari@fsd.bdtf.hu
Hochschule “Dániel Berzsenyi”, Lehrstuhl für deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Szombathely
Abstract: Ausgangspunkt des vorliegenden Beitrags ist die feldmäßige Beschreibung
des Passivs. Dabei erscheint es notwendig, das Passiv-Makrofeld
in die Passiv-Mikrofelder 1 [– Modalfaktor] und 2 [+ Modalfaktor...
Original scientific article
E-mail: josko_zanic@yahoo.com
Nezavisni istraživač
Abstract: In this paper Gärdenfors’s geometric approach to meaning in natural language is compared to Jackendoff's algebraic one, and this is done against the backdrop of formal semantics. Ultimately, the paper...