Original scientific article
Page 365 - 391
Similar intentions with different underlying wishes: Intensional profiles of imperatives in Hungarian
E-mail: kleiber.judit@pte.hu
University of Pécs, Hungary
Abstract: The paper investigates imperative sentence types in Hungarian focusing on the pragmasemantic contribution of discourse markers. It follows Lauer (2013) in assuming that – though illocutionary force va...
Original scientific article
Page 83 - 100
Over- and out- as negatively-oriented markers
Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Abstract: In this paper, I address the issue of negation through two markers, verbal prefixes over- and out- which do not have an intrinsic negative meaning but which act as negatively-oriented markers. In the ...
Original scientific article
University of Antwerp
University of Antwerp
Abstract: This paper examines question formation in the Tucanoan languages of South
America from a comparative and diachronic point of view. We argue that these
languages exhibit a historical and semantic relat...
Original scientific article
Page 531 - 553
Reformulation markers in academic discourse: A cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary study
E-mail: jolanta.sinkuniene@flf.vu.lt
Vilnius University
Abstract: Using quantitative and qualitative approaches alongside contrastive analysis, this paper investigates distribution frequency and functions of reformulation markers employed in academic discourse in tw...
Original scientific article
Page 325 - 362
Primjeri analognih fraznih univerbizacija u latinskome i rumunjskome te usporedba s drugim romanskim idiomima
E-mail: dvarga@ffzg.unizg.hr
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Abstract: Rumunjski se po pitanju bliskosti prema latinskome u nekim pojedinostima izdvaja od drugih romanskih idioma. U ovome će se radu istražiti primjeri takve bliskosti slijedeći Haspelmathovu kategorizacij...