Original scientific article
Page 475 - 496

Perception of General British monophthongs: The case of Slovene students of English as a foreign language

Andrej Stopar
E-mail: Andrej.Stopar@ff.uni-lj.si
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9455-1820
Sveučilište u Ljubljani
Abstract: The paper presents an experimental study on the perception of the Gen-eral British monophthongs that was conducted in three stages in 2014–2018. The vowels observed are studied by (i) comparing the vo...

Original scientific article
Page 221 - 254

Taste and sight: A corpus analysis of English adjective-noun constructions

Jodi L. Sandford
E-mail: jodi.sandford@unipg.it
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6544-8610
University of Perugia
Abstract: Embodiment is central to the Cognitive Linguistics enterprise. The grounding of language in body experience is one of the major tenets of linguistic description at various levels of analysis. We recei...

Original scientific article
Page 679 - 696

Teacher’s perceptions of multilingual education and teaching in a multilingual classroom - the case of the Republic of Macedonia

Brikena Xhaferi
E-mail: b.xhaferi@seeu.edu.mk
South East European University Tetovo

Gëzim Xhaferi
South East European University Tetovo
Abstract: Macedonia is a multilingual, multiethnic, and multicultural country where the language teach-ers face challenges in their classrooms. South East European University (SEEU) is located in Tetovo, Macedo...