State-of-the-art article
Page 149 - 178
Metafora na razmeđu koncepata, jezika i diskursa
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Abstract: U ovom se radu izlaže „treći put“ u često suprotnim shvaćanjima metafora kao konceptualne odnosno diskursne pojave. Metafora se sagledava kao sposobnost metaforizacije koja je zajednička i globalna, a...
Original scientific article
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Abstract: Cognitive Linguistics, which primarily deals with the conceptual structures of human mind via their language manifestation, opens new prospects in studying binary oppositions. Despite numerous researc...
Original scientific article
Page 363 - 383
Cracking the colour code: A case study of red
Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku
Abstract: For both physiological and psychological reasons the colour red is one of the most salient and semantically productive basic colours for human beings. Due to its stability over time, it has received a...
Original scientific article
Sveučilište u Tuzli
Abstract: The paper examines the use of creative figurative language in American political discourse. In particular, the paper focuses on the use of the expression to play the race card and the creative figurat...
Original scientific article
Abstract: Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti hrvatski frazeološki korpus vezan uz komunikaciju o smrti i umiranju, s posebnim obzirom na njegov eufemizacijski, odnosno disfemizacijski potencijal, a potom i ispitati j...
State-of-the-art article
Sveučilište u Osijeku
Abstract: U radu se daje pregled načina na koji su se teorijske postavke i konstrukti Teorije konceptualne metafore i metonimije nose sa specifičnim tipom figurativne jezične uporabe unutar fenomena životinjske...
Original scientific article
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Puli
Abstract: This paper analyses metaphorical collocations of the terms law in enTenTen20, Gesetz in deTenTen20 and zakon in hrwac 2.2. from a contrastive corpus-based perspective. The hypothesis states that metap...