Original scientific article
Page 667 - 677

The implementation of multilingualism at the see university: a model for the multicultural Balkans

Hamit Xhaferi
E-mail: h.xhaferi@seeu.edu.mk
South East European University, Tetovo

Mustafa Ibrahimi
South East European University, Tetovo
Abstract: We present and compare ways and alternatives for an improvement of the use of languages in Macedonia. This covers the time span starting from the Constitution of the year 1974, the Constitution of the...

Original scientific article
Page 395 - 417

What can language biographies reveal about multilingualism in the Habsburg monarchy? A case study on the members of the Illyrian movement

Kristian Novak
E-mail: knovak2@ffri.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2609-6368
University of Rijeka
Abstract: The reconstruction of language biographies of the Illyrian movement members was based on their available, published or unpublished, texts written in all of the idioms they were using (Croatian dialect...

Original scientific article
Page 585 - 599

By the rivers of Babylon: Multiculturalism in vivo in Vojvodina/Vajdaság

Krisztina Rácz
E-mail: krracz@gmail.com
University of Ljubljana, Central European University Budapest
Abstract: This paper contrasts the practices of interpreting and implementing official documents that regulate multilingual policies in Vojvodina (Autonomous Province of Serbia) to the experi-ence of multilingu...

State-of-the-art article
Page 81 - 99

O sociolingvističkom položaju luksemburškog

Ivica Leovac
E-mail: ileovac@unizd.hr
Sveučilište u Zadru
Abstract: Luksemburški je prije četvrt stoljeća proglašen službenim i nacionalnim jezikom Velikog Vojvodstva Luksemburga. Prilog nudi pregled povijesti i današnji položaj idioma koji je simbol kulturne i politi...

Original scientific article
Page 207 - 235

Utjecaj višejezičnosti vrednovatelja na ljudsku procjenu kvalitete strojnih prijevoda

Sandra Ljubas
E-mail: sljubas@student.unizd.hr
Sveučilište u Zadru
Abstract: U ovom se radu predstavlja istraživanje o utjecaju višejezičnosti vrednovatelja na subjektivnu metodu vrednovanja kvalitete strojnih prijevoda. Subjektivnost ove metode najčešće se očituje u niskim ra...

State-of-the-art article
Page 667 - 682

Što se to(čno) skriva iza koncepata transkomunikacije i transkomunikacijskog nastavnog pristupa?

Rea Lujić
E-mail: rlujic@unizd.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5931-3867
Sveučilište u Zadru
Abstract: Ovim se radom ukratko predstavlja translanguaging, posljednjih šest godina sve popularniji koncept na području višejezičnosti i višejezičnoga obrazovanja. Obzirom na njegovu dvostruku prirodu, socioli...

Original scientific article
Page 119 - 146

From šećerna tabla to čoCROlada: A study of multilingual discourse on Croatian food labels

Emilija Mustapić
Abstract: The study of linguistic landscape (LL) encompasses the language of public signs, commercial billboards, and other forms of written texts displayed in public (mostly urban) spaces of a particular geogr...