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A split DP-analysis of Croatian noun phrases
E-mail: zeljka@ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
University of Stuttgart
Jezikoslovlje.17.023.Caruso.pdf [ 0.28 MB - Engleski]
Preuzmi članak
Sažetak: This paper investigates the syntactic structure of nominal expressions in Croatian and proposes their analysis in terms of a split DP. Within the split DP-approach, the nominal left periphery contains functional projections DefP, FocP, TopP and DP. I will show that these functional categories host different lexical items (e.g. determiners, demonstratives, possessives, etc.) that contribute to the (in)definiteness and specificity of the Croatian noun phrase. A reanalysis of the nominal left periphery in terms of a split DP allows for the explanation of DP-internal word order variations, along with some other syntactic phenomena.
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