Pregledni članak
Preuzeto 2985 puta
Str. 215 - 233
Dialogue grammar: A theoretical overview
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Jezikoslovlje.14.215.Bilic_Mestric.pdf [ 0.35 MB - Hrvatski]
Preuzmi članak
Sažetak: The aim of this paper is to present the theory of Dialogue Grammar (Dialoggramatik) proposed by the German linguist Franz Hundsnurscher. The first part of the paper provides the basic concepts and the tenets of the Dialogue Grammar and the way it is related to Generative Transformational Grammar and the Theory of Speech Acts, while the second part is concerned with the issue (addressed by Hundsnurscher himself) whether this theory of dialogue amounts to a new paradigm in linguistic research. In the concluding part of the paper the author provides her view of the presented theory.
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