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Str. 5 - 23

Negation as an empirical/conceptual tool: A case study with V-V compounds

Kazuhiko Fukushima
E-mail: kaz.zisin@gmail.com
Kansai Gaidai University

Jezikoslovlje.18.005.Fukushima.pdf [ 0.38 MB - Engleski]
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Preuzeto 651 puta
Sažetak: This case study with Japanese lexical V-V compounds reveals descriptive and conceptual utility of negation. The compounds are a very popular and controversial target of research where headedness plays a significant role. However, so far, NO independent empirical criterion exists for headedness. It is pointed out that negation turns out to be such a criterion. In addition, negation is interesting theoretically in that it guides us to favor lexical approaches over syntactic ones. Negation offers independent criteria empirically and conceptually, which eventually enable more solid testing and construction of predictions and hypotheses.
Ključne riječi:
lexical compounds, headedness, negation, Japanese,
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