Izvorni znanstveni članak
Preuzeto 2978 puta
Str. 159 - 170
Noun/pronoun asymmetries: Evidence in support of the DP hypothesis in Polish
E-mail: rutkowski@zigzag.pl
Warsaw University & Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Jezikoslovlje_1_.03.1-2.159.Rutkowski.pdf [ 0.27 MB - Engleski]
Preuzmi članak
Sažetak: The aim of this paper is to analyse the syntax of Polish nominal
expressions in terms of what is known as the DP hypothesis (the
idea that was discussed in Abney 1987). The fact that articles occupy
the D position crosslinguistically is widely accepted. But
many linguists have raised the question whether it is reasonable to
assume the DP hypothesis for languages that do not have lexical
articles. Polish is an articleless language. In this paper, I will argue
that even Polish has the DP layer. Furthermore, I will show
that it projects at least one more functional phrase between NP
and DP. The evidence for the above claims will be based on certain
DP-internal word order facts. I will account for them by postulating that, in the absence of lexical articles, other elements may
move to the functional projections above NP and lexicalise them
in overt syntax.
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