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Str. 401 - 434


Lana Hudeček
Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje

Milica Mihaljević
Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje

FINAL_jezikoslovlje_23-2-269-302.pdf [ 0.98 MB - Hrvatski]
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Preuzeto 222 puta

This research has been motivated by the problems the authors have encountered while defining certain linguistic terms within the project Croatian Linguistic Terminology – Jena (and also the project Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik) and while writing the School Grammar of the Croatian Language. Based on the corpus of contemporary grammar books and papers we analysed the classification and terminology of coordinated sentences. Older terminology is also included in the analysis. The linguistic corpus which has been compiled within the project Jena enables a complete insight into the attestation of certain terms and gives the context and meanings in which the term is used. In addition to the analysis of different classifications of coordinated sentences, the research focuses on terminological aspects and problems in defining certain terms that we have encountered in Jena. The paper analyses these problems: inconsistency in writing certain terms (as compounds or as two words), the use of terms of Croatian or international origin, terms which in different grammar books and papers have different meanings, and are often polysemous, e.g., objasnidbena rečenica (Eng. ‘explanatory sentence’). This paper suggests a classification of coordinated sentences within the framework of traditional grammar, primarily for school grammar books and textbooks, and aims to solve some terminological problems and to encourage further discussion on certain problems concerning the classification and terminology of coordinated sentences.

Ključne riječi:
classification of coordinated sentences, terminology of coordinated sentences, Croatian grammar books, Croatian Linguistic Terminology – Jena, Croatian Web Dictinary – Mrežnik,
Podaci na drugim jezicima: Hrvatski