Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 295 - 319

Positions for oblique case-marked arguments in Hungarian noun phrases

Judit Farkas
E-mail: juttasusi@gmail.com
Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Gábor Alberti
University of Pécs

Jezikoslovlje.17.295.Farkas_-_Alberti.pdf [ 0.22 MB - Engleski]
Preuzmi članak
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Sažetak: We argue that there are four positions open to oblique case-marked arguments within the Hungarian noun phrase structure, of which certain ones have never been mentioned in the literature while even the others have been discussed very scarcely (for different reasons, which are also pointed out in the paper). In order to formally account for these four positions and the data “legitimizing” them, we provide a new DP structure integrating the basically morphology-based Hungarian traditions with the cartographic Split-DP Hypothesis (Giusti 1996; Ihsane and Puskás 2001). We point out that, chiefly by means of the four positions for oblique case-marked arguments in Hungarian noun phrases and the operator layers based upon them, this language makes it possible for its speakers to explicitly express every possible scopal order of arguments of verbs, even if the given verbs are deeply embedded in complements of deverbal nominalizers.
Ključne riječi:
Hungarian noun phrase, generative syntax, Split-DP Hypothesis, oblique case-marked arguments, possessive construction,
Podaci na drugim jezicima: Hrvatski