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The implementation of multilingualism at the see university: a model for the multicultural Balkans
E-mail: h.xhaferi@seeu.edu.mk
South East European University, Tetovo
South East European University, Tetovo
Jezikoslovlje.13.667.Xhaferi_-_Ibrahimi.pdf [ 0.1 MB - Engleski]
Preuzmi članak
Sažetak: We present and compare ways and alternatives for an improvement of the use of languages in Macedonia. This covers the time span starting from the Constitution of the year 1974, the Constitution of the year 1990, as well as the Constitution which came out of the Ohrid Agreement in the year 2001. We present some concrete examples of the use of Albanian as well as the languages of the other nationalities. We focus on, and analyze particularly, the content of the above-mentioned Constitutions, which seen closely, have many similarities but differences as well, especially those included in the Constitution of the year 1990. Then, after gaining independence, because of which the inter-ethnic relations between the ethnic Albani-ans and Macedonians entered a deep crisis, the Albanian language lost the status that it had enjoyed foreseen by the Constitution of the year 1974. After that, we analyze and discuss the current status of the language policy in Macedonia, especially in the time period after the year 2001, as well as the changes that were brought by the Ohrid Agreement, which recognized Albanian as an official language, as well as (with particular emphasis) on the implementation of multilingualism at the SEEU in Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia.
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