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Verbal and nominal properties of the productive Hungarian deverbal nominalizations
University of Pécs
University of Pécs
University of Pécs
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Jezikoslovlje.17.267.Szabo_-_Toth_-_Alberti_-_Farkas.pdf [ 0.33 MB - Engleski]
Preuzmi članak
Sažetak: We demonstrate a system of Hungarian deverbal nominalizations, based on our extension of Laczkó’s framework (Laczkó 2000), in which such nouns form a uniform system as the ÁS-noun felfedezés ‘discovery’, the TEV-noun felfedezte(kor) ‘when discovered’, the Ó-noun felfedező ‘discoverer’, and the TTH-noun felfedezett(je) ‘discoveree’. We provide a comprehensive comparison among the complex-event-based and event-type-based of the deverbal nominal construction variants (e.g., megoperálás ‘operating’ versus operáció ‘operation’) on the basis of verbal and nominal properties considered in Broekhuis and Keizer (2012) and properties specific to Hungarian, such as information-structure inheritance, for instance (Alberti and Farkas 2013).
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