Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 187 - 209

Down to the bone: A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of pro-eating disorder blogs

Morana Lukač
E-mail: mlukac@unizd.hr
Sveučilište u Zadru
Sažetak: The pro-eating-disorder community is almost exclusively an online community of individuals who claim that eating disorders are not an illness, but rather a lifestyle choice. This study offers an insig...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 41 - 57

Hypothesis and deduction in the studies of the discourse of advertising

Piotr Cap
E-mail: strus_pl@yahoo.com
University of Łódź
Sažetak: The paper is an attempt to show that a discourse type can in itself be an analytic determinant, i.e. that it can effectively dictate methods of investigating it. This claim is illustrated by a study o...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 23 - 60

Discourse analysis and determination in the light of subjectification theory

Piotr Cap
E-mail: strus_pl@yahoo.com
University of of Lódz, Department of Linguistic Pragmatics
Sažetak: The present paper bridges considerations characteristic of the domains of linguistic pragmatics, discourse analysis, as well as of cognitive linguistics and social psychology. It is claimed that, in s...