Original scientific article
Page 391 - 418

Metafora, metonimija, frazem i eufemizam: o čemu govorimo kada govorimo o smrti?

Barbara Kružić
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2488-2688

Goran Tanacković Faletar
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2488-2688
Abstract: Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti hrvatski frazeološki korpus vezan uz komunikaciju o smrti i umiranju, s posebnim obzirom na njegov eufemizacijski, odnosno disfemizacijski potencijal, a potom i ispitati j...

Original scientific article
Page 575 - 616

Konceptualizacija PSIHIČKE NESTABILNOSTI u hrvatskome jeziku

Ivana Čizmar
E-mail: ivanacizmar@yahoo.com
Abstract: Ovaj članak istražuje na koji se način konceptualizira PSIHIČKA NESTABILNOST u hrvatskome jeziku unutar postavki kognitivne lingvistike: metaforom, metonimijom, predodžbenim shemama i kulturnim modeli...

Original scientific article
Page 557 - 574

The language of information technology: Figurative use of computer terms

Sanel Hadžiahmetović Jurida
E-mail: sanel.h.jurida@untz.ba
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0833-5510
Univerzitet u Tuzli
Abstract: The rapidly emerging terminology associated with the Internet and its use result in highly figurative use of the terminology in this domain (the Internet), and its supporting technology (the computers...

State-of-the-art article
Page 197 - 213

Pristup zoosemiji u okviru teorije konceptualne metafore i metonimije

Goran Milić
E-mail: gmilic@ffos.hr
Sveučilište u Osijeku
Abstract: U radu se daje pregled načina na koji su se teorijske postavke i konstrukti Teorije konceptualne metafore i metonimije nose sa specifičnim tipom figurativne jezične uporabe unutar fenomena životinjske...

Original scientific article
Page 219 - 260

A cognitive analysis of the Bulgarian prepositions and verbal prefixes NAD and POD

Ivelina Tchizmarova
E-mail: itchizmarova@sfu.ca
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
Abstract: This paper analyzes the Bulgarian prepositions and verbal prefixes NAD and POD from a cogni-tive linguistic perspective. Their prototypical senses are presented as a trajector (TR) situated above or b...

Original scientific article
Page 191 - 218

A cognitive semantic account of the prefix uz in Croatian 191-218

Ljiljana Šarić
E-mail: ljiljana.saric@ilos.uio.no
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4373-9182
University of Oslo
Abstract: This article examines the meaning of the prefix uz in Croatian. First, I examine this prefix in nouns, adverbs, complex prepositions, and adjectives, and in the following sections I look at the verbal...

Original scientific article
Page 45 - 65

Limitations on metonymic uses of –ion nominalizations

Adisa Imamović
E-mail: adisa.imamovic@untz.ba
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Tuzli
Abstract: This paper examines the polysemy of English nominalizations ending in the suffix -ion explaining it by metaphorical and metonymic extensions of the central meaning. The central meaning of -ion nominal...