Page 5 - 17

A cognitive linguistic view of South Slavic prepositions and prefixes

Ljiljana Šarić
University of Oslo
Abstract: Cognitive linguists dealing with the Slavic languages in Slavic countries and worldwide have been engaged in broad research activities. However, much of this research has remained over-looked, especia...

Original scientific article
Page 179 - 205

Sheme dinamike sile i promjenjivost glagolskih frazema

Jelena Parizoska
E-mail: jelena.parizoska@ufzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3407-2964
Učiteljski fakultet Zagreb

Marija Omazić
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3407-2964
Filozofski fakultet Osijek
Abstract: U ovome se radu analiziraju promjene glagolskih frazema u engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku koji odražavaju sheme dinamike sile. Cilj je na temelju podataka iz računalnih korpusa utvrditi na koje načine sh...

Original scientific article
Page 37 - 76

Agentivnost subjekta u konstrukcijama s osjetilnim glagolima vida i sluha

Helena Burić
E-mail: hburic@ffst.hr
Filozofski fakultet Split
Abstract: U ovome radu analizira se semantička uloga subjekta u konstrukcijama s osjetilnim glagolima iz kognitivnogramatičke perspektive, a prije svega njegova agentivnost. Naime temeljna kategorizacija osjeti...

Original scientific article
Page 339 - 372

A note on the career of metaphorical domains: On the role of the XYZ constructions in metaphorical transfer reversal

Mario Brdar
E-mail: mbrdar@ffos.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9582-4285
Filozofski fakultet Osijek

Rita Brdar-Szabó
ELTE Budapest

Tanja Gradečak
Filozofski fakultet Osijek
Abstract: One of most dominant conceptual metaphors used to talk about the COVID-19 across languages and cultures is the WAR metaphor, but many other metaphors have been attested, exploiting a wide range of sou...

Original scientific article
Page 77 - 98

The geometry vs. the algebra of meaning: Gärdenfors vs. Jackendoff

Joško Žanić
E-mail: josko_zanic@yahoo.com
Nezavisni istraživač
Abstract: In this paper Gärdenfors’s geometric approach to meaning in natural language is compared to Jackendoff's algebraic one, and this is done against the backdrop of formal semantics. Ultimately, the paper...

Original scientific article
Page 481 - 508

Postverbal-only focus as evidence for biclausal structure in Hungarian

Krisztina Szécsényi
E-mail: szecsenyi.krisztina@btk.elte.hu
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2192-2517
ELTE Hungary
Abstract: In Hungarian, focused constituents appear in a preverbal position. Postverbal focus is possible, but only in multiple focus constructions, in the presence of a preverbal focus. The present paper discu...