State-of-the-art article
Page 149 - 178

Metafora na razmeđu koncepata, jezika i diskursa

Mateusz-Milan Stanojević
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Abstract: U ovom se radu izlaže „treći put“ u često suprotnim shvaćanjima metafora kao konceptualne odnosno diskursne pojave. Metafora se sagledava kao sposobnost metaforizacije koja je zajednička i globalna, a...

Original scientific article
Page 1 - 25

Position of the German attributive genitive and some other questions related to the structure of the genitive substitute von + NP

Alja Lipavic Oštir
Univerza v Mariboru
Abstract: The article presents an attempt at explaining the German genitive substitute von + NP as the result of a grammaticalization process. The explanation takes into account paradigmatic and syntagmatic gra...

Original scientific article
Page 27 - 51

Od gramatike do komunikacije i natrag – primjer zanaglasnih dužina

Blaženka Martinović
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli
Abstract: Normativni priručnici najmanje su odmicali od tzv. klasičnog naglašavanja upravo na primjeru zanaglasnih dužina. Pomake čine tek suvremene gramatike u kojima se razdvaja „gramatika“ od „komunikacije“,...

Original scientific article
Page 0 - 0

Orphan prefixes and the grammaticalization of aspect in South Slavic

Stephen M. Dickey
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Kansas
Abstract: This paper establishes the term ORPHAN PREFIX for a Slavic prefix that no longer shares a dominant spatial meaning with its cognate preposition. Most Slavic prefixes do share such a dominant spatial m...

Original scientific article
Page 193 - 236

Pitanje klasifikatora u znakovnim jezicima

Branimir Belaj
Filozofski fakultet Osijek

Barbara Majdenić
Filozofski fakultet Osijek
Abstract: Klasifikatori u znakovnim jezicima imaju status jezične univerzalije i predstavljaju produktivne konstrukcije kojima se opisuju različiti aspekti referenta i njihova odnosa s drugim elementima scenari...

Original scientific article
Page 87 - 107

Pattern versus process concepts of grammar and mind: A cognitive-functional perspective

Jan Nuyts
University of Antwerp
Abstract: This paper focuses on one element dividing Cognitive Linguistics and more traditional functional linguistic approaches to grammar, viz. the contrast between the construction oriented approach predomin...

Original scientific article
Page 53 - 85

Failing without trying

J. Lachlan Mackenzie
VU University Amsterdam & ILTEC, Lisboa
Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the over 12,000 occurrences of fail and failure followed by to in the 100m-word British National Corpus. In its lexical use, fail is a negative-implicative verb of ...