Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 269 - 282

Are Hungarian fake objects really fake?

Annamária Bene
E-mail: bene.a@eunet.rs
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9726-5261
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu

Jezikoslovlje.15.269.Bene.pdf [ 0.22 MB - Engleski]
Preuzmi članak
Preuzeto 659 puta
Sažetak: The aim of this article was to investigate the syntactic properties of Hungarian nonsubcategorized accusative Case-assigned NP, i.e. a constituent commonly known in current international linguistics as fake resultative or occasionally fake object. The analysis revealed that this particular constituent who appears in resultative constructions derived from unergatives behaves exactly the same way as the real or direct object does: for example, it appears in specifier position of VP, receives accusative Case, and functions as an argument that undergoes the event expressed by the verb. Because of these distinct syntactic properties this article suggests naming the analyzed nonsubcategorized syntactic element honorary object.
Ključne riječi:
syntax, Hungarian, fake object, resultative construction, unergatives,
Podaci na drugim jezicima: Hrvatski