Pregledni članak
Str. 289 - 302

Dialectology of the local speech from the village of Paladini: Addendum to the research on Buzet's dialects

Alvijana Klarić
Srednja škola Buzet

Luka Rašpolić
Srednja škola Buzet

5_2018_19.2_303_Klaric_i_Raspolic_Mjesni_govor_Paladina.pdf [ 0.49 MB - Hrvatski]
Preuzmi članak
Preuzeto 972 puta
Sažetak: This paper presents the phonological and morphonological features of the local dialect of Paladini in Istria. This local speech belongs to the Buzet or Upper Mirna Valley Chakavian dialect and has not been studied so far. In this study we established which of its phonological features are general characteristics of the Chakavian dialect, and which are the properties of the Buzet dialect. Our study has also shown that the consonantism of this local speech is of the Chakavian type, as is the case with other idioms belonging to this dialect. As for its accentuation, we have found that the tonal and quantity oppositions have been lost.
Ključne riječi:
Buzet or Upper Mirna Valley Chakavian dialect, Chakavian dialect, phonology, morphonology, Istria, Paladini,
Podaci na drugim jezicima: Hrvatski