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Str. 5 - 36


Mia Batinić Angster
E-mail: mbatinic@unizd.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9470-2326
Odjel za lingvistiku, Sveučilište u Zadru

Marco Angster
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8295-7866
Odjel za lingvistiku, Sveučilište u Zadru

1_2021_22.1.5_Batinic_Angster_Angster.pdf [ 0.83 MB - Hrvatski]
Preuzmi članak
Preuzeto 417 puta

Temporal adverbials are a heterogeneous group of expressions whose distribution and functions are similar to those of the lexical category of adverbs and which express different aspects of the cognitive category of time. In the article a classification of Croatian temporal adverbials of position is proposed based on Klein’s (1994; 2009a) classification of these expressions. This paper analyses some Croatian temporal adverbials of position which are characterized by placing events on the timeline in the past – tada, u POSS vrijeme, u svoje vrijeme, jednom, nekoć i nekad(a). The source of the examples discussed is the hrWaC corpus (Ljubešić and Klubička 2014). The way in which the temporal adverbials found in the examples place the events on the timeline has been represented following the approach by Haspelmath (1997) and the discussion has been complemented with an analysis of their anaphoric and/or deictic properties. The paper offers some observations about how these adverbials are linked to a temporal reference and proposes criteria for their classification in Croatian.

Ključne riječi:
time, temporal adverbials, temporal adverbials of position, deixis, anaphora,
Podaci na drugim jezicima: Hrvatski