Original scientific article
Page 131 - 153

Another look at the syntax of Hungarian verbal particles

Annamária Bene
E-mail: bene.a@euet.rs
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Abstract: The Hungarian verbal particle, this tiny function (grammatical) word causes a lot of headache to linguists to this day. One of the most difficult questions refers to its structural position. The most ...

State-of-the-art article
Page 267 - 293

Verbal and nominal properties of the productive Hungarian deverbal nominalizations

Veronika Szabó
E-mail: szabo.veronika@pte.hu
University of Pécs

Bálint Tóth
University of Pécs

Gábor Alberti
University of Pécs

Judit Farkas
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: We demonstrate a system of Hungarian deverbal nominalizations, based on our extension of Laczkó’s framework (Laczkó 2000), in which such nouns form a uniform system as the ÁS-noun felfedezés ‘discover...

Original scientific article
Page 147 - 158

Kosubordinacija u hrvatskome jeziku

Ranko Matasović
E-mail: rmatasov@ffzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7068-3036
Filozofski fakultet Zagreb
Abstract: Osim koordinacije, u kojoj su povezane sintaktičke strukture posve neovisne jedna o drugoj, i subordinacije, u kojoj jedna sintaktička struktura čini konstituentu unutar druge strukture, gramatika ulo...

Original scientific article
Page 255 - 279

Sa ili bez istog padeža: katalipsa prijedložne dopune u koordiniranim konstrukcijama

Ante Petrović
E-mail: anpetrov@m.ffzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0979-7285
Filozofski fakultet Zagreb
Abstract: U radu se istražuju koordinirane konstrukcije s katalipsom prijedložne dopune (KPD-om) u hrvatskome, kao na ili oko kapka. Osnovno je istraživačko pitanje što uvjetuje mogućnost KPD-a. Ukrštavanje teo...

Original scientific article
Page 215 - 233

Nalaze li se primarni i sekundarni predikat u odnosu koordinacije?

Davor Krsnik
E-mail: dkrsnik@ffzg.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7458-2507
Filozofski fakultet Zagreb
Abstract: U jedinoj monografiji u hrvatskome jezikoslovlju posvećenoj sekundarnim predikatima Peti (1979) predstavlja gledište da se sekundarni predikati uslijed sintaktičke neovisnosti s primarnim predikatom n...

Original scientific article
Page 1 - 25

Neutralisation in the expression of location and destination of motion in Croatian

Sanja Zubčić
E-mail: sanja.zubcic@ffri.uniri.hr
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Abstract: In Croatian, the location and destination of motion are expressed mainly by various syntactic means, but their neutralisation is also described in the literature, especially in South Čakavian dialects...

Original scientific article
Page 69 - 95

Criteria for Subordination in Slovenian Multi-Clause Sentences

Dejan Gabrovšek
E-mail: dejan.gabrovsek@zrc-sazu.si
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4995-1814
Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša
Abstract: The article explains and demonstrates criteria for subordination and points out that not all criteria can be applied to all constructions considered subordinate, so it is better to posit that there ar...