Original scientific article
Page 117 - 133
Upravljana neobrojčena kvantifikacija
E-mail: ana.kovacevic@stin.hr
Staroslavenski institut u Zagrebu
Abstract: Upravljana neobrojčena kvantifikacija obuhvaća imenske kvantifikacijske skupine u kojima priložni ili imenički kvantifikator upravlja (regira) dopunom u genitivu: vele blaga, čest' ribi pečeni. U radu...
State-of-the-art article
E-mail: marija.znika@gmail.com
Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje u Zagrebu
Abstract: U radu se obrađuje odnos pridjeva uvrštenog kao atributa uz imenicu. Naznačuje se različitost odnosa atributa i imenica u bilo kojoj sintaktičkoj funkciji, ovisno o vrsti imenica i razlozima uvrštavan...
Original scientific article
E-mail: ifilipovic@hazu.hr
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Abstract: Korpusna istraživanja u nekim jezicima (npr. u engleskome) pokazuju da su glagolski frazemi najpromjenjivija vrsta frazema, pri čemu najčešće varira upravo glagolska sastavnica. Zbog toga brojni jedno...
Original scientific article
E-mail: ljiljana.saric@ilos.uio.no
University of Oslo
Abstract: This article examines the meaning of the prefix uz in Croatian. First, I examine this prefix in nouns, adverbs, complex prepositions, and adjectives, and in the following sections I look at the verbal...
Original scientific article
Page 151 - 190
The Croatian preposition uz: A cognitive approach
E-mail: ljiljana.saric@ilos.uio.no
University of Oslo
Abstract: This article examines the semantics of the Croatian preposition uz. Its main aim is to establish a coherent semantic network of this preposition, an effort that implies elaborating how the preposition...
Original scientific article
Page 23 - 45
A split DP-analysis of Croatian noun phrases
E-mail: zeljka@ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
University of Stuttgart
Abstract: This paper investigates the syntactic structure of nominal expressions in Croatian and proposes their analysis in terms of a split DP. Within the split DP-approach, the nominal left periphery contains...
Original scientific article
Page 41 - 69
Moving od(-) and do(-) in Croatian. An account of sources, goals and dual readings of the dative
E-mail: mbrala@ffri.hr
University of Rijeka
University of Rijeka
Abstract: This paper focuses on the Croatian P-elements od ‘from’ and do ‘up to’, which productively appear as both verbal prefixes (yielding either source- or goal-oriented motion verbs) and prepositions; in m...