Izvorni znanstveni članak
E-mail: mbrdar@ffos.hr
University of Osijek
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Sažetak: This article studies figurative uses of metaphors and metonymies utilized to frame the discourse of transplantology. We assume a somewhat wider view of framing than is usually found in the literature ...
Izvorni znanstveni članak
E-mail: jaculig@ffzg.hr
University of Zagreb
Sažetak: The aim of this paper is to explain the motivation behind the creation of religious visual art in which light plays the role of the signifier of divine presence. We will endeavor to show that represen...
Pregledni članak
Str. 149 - 178
Metafora na razmeđu koncepata, jezika i diskursa
E-mail: mmstanoje@ffzg.hr
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Sažetak: U ovom se radu izlaže „treći put“ u često suprotnim shvaćanjima metafora kao konceptualne odnosno diskursne pojave. Metafora se sagledava kao sposobnost metaforizacije koja je zajednička i globalna, a...
Izvorni znanstveni članak
E-mail: svitlana.martinek@lnu.edu.ua
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Sažetak: Cognitive Linguistics, which primarily deals with the conceptual structures of human mind via their language manifestation, opens new prospects in studying binary oppositions. Despite numerous researc...
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 285 - 303
Can political rhetoric ever be “too persuasive”? The combination of proverb and hyperbole in the case of having the cake and eating it
E-mail: a.musolff@uea.ac.uk
University of East Anglia
Sažetak: Can the use of linguistic devices to achieve persuasion, such as metaphor, irony and hyperbole, ever be “too persuasive”, i.e., overshoot its rhetorical aim? More specifically, can the combination of ...
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 5 - 38
Figurative ‘eye’ expressions in the conceptualization of emotions and personality traits in Slovak
E-mail: eciprianova@ukf.sk
Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Arts
Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Arts
Sažetak: This paper explores metonymic and metaphoric expressions with the lexeme ‘eye’ and provides empirical evidence from the Slovak language about the close interaction between the physiological and cultur...
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 1 - 20
Wer sitzt hinter schwedischen Gardinen und wer spielt Klavier? Fachphraseologie und ihre kulturelle Relevanz
E-mail: dbukovca@fkz.hr
Police College, Zagreb
Sažetak: Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Fachphraseologie aus der Sicht der interkulturel-len Relevanz und der interlingualen Äquivalenz des phraseologischen und metaphorischen Sprachmaterials in ...