Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 1 - 16

Kategorija gotovosti i vremenska vrijednost pasivnoga predikata

Branimir Belaj
E-mail: branimir.belaj@os.t-com.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2334-9673
Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Osijeku
Sažetak: Autor raspravlja o vremenskoj vrijednosti pasivnoga predikata, uvodeći u raspravu jednu novu kategoriju - kategoriju gotovosti. Rasprava obuhvaća vrijednost pasivnoga predikata u gotovo svim vremenima...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 109 - 122

Communication technologies and their influence on language: Reshuffling tenses in Croatian SMS text messaging

Milena Žic Fuchs
E-mail: mzicfuch@ffzg.hr
Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Nina Tuđman Vuković
University of Zagreb
Sažetak: SMS text messaging has become one of the most dominant means of communication in Croatia. With respect to their linguistic features SMS text messages have become a language variety in their own right,...

Prethodno priopćenje
Str. 199 - 208

Towards a new future in (West and East) Slavonic?

Alexander Andrason
E-mail: aleksand@hi.is
University of Cape Town
Sažetak: This article demonstrates that the rule according to which perfective verbs are incompatible with the future auxiliary ‘be’ in West and East Slavonic languages is less strict than has been claimed in ...