Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 337 - 356

U potrazi za značenjem: čitak i čitljiv u normi i uporabi

Jakob Patekar
E-mail: jakob.patekar@outlook.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7371-0087
Sažetak: U ovome se radu nastoje utvrditi značenja riječi čitak i čitljiv. Naime, norma nije usuglašena što znači prvi, a što drugi pridjev; rječnici daju suprotna značenja pa nije jasno koja se od tih riječi ...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 103 - 147

Par – nepar – aspektni par

Zrinka Kolaković
E-mail: Zrinka.Kolakovic@aau.at
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1615-021X
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt Institut für Slawistik
Sažetak: Na postojanje prijepora u svezi s terminom „aspektni par“ upućuju čak i sami aspektolozi u svojim radovima (v. npr. Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Zaliznjak i dr. 2010; Gorbova 2011). U kroatističkoj se tr...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 363 - 383

Cracking the colour code: A case study of red

Draženka Molnar
E-mail: drazenka@ffos.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4512-7270
Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku
Sažetak: For both physiological and psychological reasons the colour red is one of the most salient and semantically productive basic colours for human beings. Due to its stability over time, it has received a...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 123 - 140

Pre-locativity as the schematic meaning of the Croatian verbal prefix pred-

Branimir Belaj
E-mail: branimir.belaj@os.t-com.hr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2334-9673
Sveučilište u Osijeku
Sažetak: Criticising the traditional approach, according to which verbs formed with the same prefix form a cluster of homonymous relations, in this paper we introduce the concept schematic meaning which links ...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 27 - 44

The Michael Jackson of two or three noses ago and the Michael Jackson of today – multiple personalities or conceptual metonymy?

Sanja Berberović
E-mail: sanja.berberovic@untz.ba
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Tuzli
Sažetak: The paper deals with the construction of the figurative meaning of personal names in expressions of the type the X of Y, in which X is a personal name designating humans and Y designates a temporal pe...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 187 - 204

Prepositional categories and prototypes: Contrasting some Russian, Slovenian, Croatian and Polish examples

Ljiljana Šarić
E-mail: saric@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum, Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig
Sažetak: The subject of this article is the interface between the Croatian prepositions na and u (as well as the interface between their Russian, Slovenian and Polish equivalents), and the meaning of the prepo...

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Str. 225 - 244

Non-literal and non-metaphorical uses of Danish komme ‘come’: A case study

Katalin Fenyvesi-Jobbágy
E-mail: k.fenyvesi@chello.hu
Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest
Sažetak: Drawing the borderline between literal, metonymical and metaphorical uses of lexical units is by no means a trivial enterprise and a number of attempts have been made to establish intermediate categor...